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Life Activation

Life Activation

Light up your DNA to discover your full potential!


1.5 hour session​

Investment: $250

A 22-of-24 strand DNA Activation that will awakens your divine blueprint and enhances your connection with your Higher Self. 


The Life Activation enables you to bring in and hold more Light (positive energy) in your physical body, empowering you to maximize your potential and bring forth unrealized talents and abilities, and it gives you more energy and clarity around your life purpose.  


This 90-min session begins a process of letting go unconscious patterns, while increasing your ability to use more of your brain and clears family and genetic karmic patterns. 

In addition to the Life Activation itself, this session also includes several energy alignments to help you achieve a sense of peace and connection between your mind, body and spirit.

​Included in the session price is a set of Purificato and Crystalis –  vibrational elixirs that assist in the facilitation & integration of the energy work that began with this session.


Energy Reset

Energy Clearning/ Energy Reset

An Energy Rest will help you so much as we begin the holiday season and begin to have more interactions with our families, which can be very triggering.

These triggers, or negative experiences can leave us feeling energetically drained and feeling depressed.

This session will clear you of those negative experiences, freeing you to being able to create the life and interactions you desire.

This session is highly recommended after the ending of a relationship, career change, or any negative relational situation.

Clear away all negative ties to give yourself a fresh start!

30 min session


Investment: $150


Crystal Healing

Healing with Crystals

A relaxing healing involving the laying of crystals


Package of 3

30 mins session

Investment: $150

A soothing session that use powerful gemstones and crystals to assist in healing our physical and emotional wellbeing. It combines sound and energy to renew your areas of focus in your life.  

​Areas of focus: 

  • The Mind

  • Emotions

  • Physical Body

  • Spatial perception

  • Relationship with time

  • Libido

  • Internal physical problems

  • Pure mind / thoughts

  • Empowerment​​


Crystal Rites

Magickal Rites with Crystals

An ancient crystal healing to old wounds and bring good fortune.


Package of 3

30 min  sessions

Investment: $150

A soothing session that use powerful gemstones and crystals to assist in healing our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. 

​Crystals and Gemstones are our powerful allies to assist us in our healing journey. Let go of old patterns and wounds so you gain more energy and Light in life. 


Egyptian Aura Healing

Clear the 7 Layers of Your Aura

An ancient healing that draws on assistance from the Egyptian Pantheon.

1 Hour session


Investment: $200

Composed of 7 layers, the aura provides us with the energy needed for vitality and manifestation.


In this session, Egyptian Aura Healing, it uses an ancient ceremony and assistance from the Egyptian Pantheon to:

  • Fix holes in the aura that cause fatigue and poor health

  • increase energy in the aura for greater vitality and protection

  • Rebalance the physical, emotional soul and astral bodies

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Aura Healing

Close the tears and rips in the aura.

A soothing session that will repair the tears and rips in your aura.


Package of 3 sessions

30 min sessions

Investment: $150​

 The aura provides us with the energy needed for vitality and manifestation.


There's many things we do or consume that can cause rips and tears in our aura:

  • Caffeine, drugs, tobacco and alcohol

  • Extremely spicy food

  • Emotional or physical trauma


This session will repair those "holes" in our aura, allowing us easier interference with the world. 

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